My Hair Care Routine
I am going to be completely honest with you about something. I literally only just figured out how to do my own hair. Until about six months ago, I got a weekly blow-out at the salon and tried to make it last during the week as long as I could. So for part of the week I had professionally blown out, smooth hair and the other part of the week I had crazy person hair. This clearly wasn’t ideal for many reasons, one of which I was taking Max to my blow-dry appointments and he couldn’t sit there for an hour while I had my hair done. In the past I told you I am going to be more open with you so here are my confessions- I have naturally crazy hair and I only just recently figured out how to style it myself. If I can conquer my hair, you can learn how to do your hair like this too.
So you are probably wondering how my hair is crazy. My hair is naturally very curly. Natural curl plus color processing equals big, frizzy hair. I used to be just waaaaayyyyy too blonde. If you don’t believe me, check out my wedding video and pics here. During my childhood, my hair was dirty blonde (dishwater blonde as my mom called it), and it has darkened over the years. I was trying to take my hair way beyond what it was capable of, and it just made it unhealthy and unmanageable.
I am excited to share my hair care routine and tips that work for me. I wash my hair every 3-4 days so if this seems like a lot keep in mind that I only do this twice a week. The other days I quickly touch up my hair with a curling wand for 5 minutes (if that).
Because my hair has a tendency to be big and fluffy, I need a shampoo and conditioner that can weigh this baby down. I have tried so many different brands, and this is what works wonders for me. I use both the hydrate shampoo and conditioner. I love that it is vegan (it just sounds better haha), and it is minty so it tingles and makes my hair feel super clean. It is very concentrated so a little goes a long way, and it tames and moisturizes my hair to the point that I can even let my hair air dry and it looks decent. When I wash my hair, I use lukewarm/ cold water because if you use hot water it opens the hair shaft which can lead to frizz. I am sure you have heard to rinse with cold water because it makes your hair shiny. In addition to my regular conditioner, I use this deep conditioner mostly on my ends and clip my hair up while I finish showering. When I rinse out my hair (with cold water!), it feels like silk.
When I dry my hair I gently blot with a towel, and then I put a smoothing serum on and comb through until it is nice and straight. I let it air dry for an hour or two. This really saves me time so I don’t have to blow-dry my hair when it is soaking wet which also saves my hair from heat damage. I usually wash my hair at night after we put the kids to sleep and then I watch a show or two and then am ready for the next step. Once my hair is about 80% dry, I am ready to blow-dry. I spray on my favorite heat protectant and blow-dry with this round brush.
I have never been able to figure out how to use a curling iron. Even after watching some tutorials on YouTube. I don’t know what is wrong with me but I always got a kink in the end from the clamp. Please tell me I am not the only one with this issue. I was always scared to try a curling wand because I thought I would burn myself. I finally ordered this curling wand (such a good price- get it immediately!) and thought I would give it a shot. I watched a few tutorials on YouTube on how to use a curling wand to get beach waves. The trick is to curl away from your face and leave the ends hanging out. Once I have curled my entire head, I don’t touch it for at least 5 minutes until it cools down and sets. Then I run some Moroccanoil through it (one of my all-time fav products), and that’s it. I even carry a small, travel size Moroccanoil (so cute and tiny!) in my purse for touch-ups.
Whew! That was a lot of info. I hope you got some good tips from this. Feel free to leave any questions in the comments, and I would be happy to answer them. Interested in seeing a video showing how to do my beach waves? Comment below. Thanks for reading!
xx Missy