Updated Hair Care Routine
The question I get asked more than any other is, “how do you do your hair?” Because of that, I thought it was time for an updated hair post! Funny story. I met my husband at work, and we were friends first before we started dating. He was always teasing me about my hair. I think it was that whole picking on the girl you like syndrome that boys have even when they’re men. My hair is naturally curly, and curly hair can be prone to frizz. At that time, I was really limiting the amount of heat I applied to my hair and letting it do it’s thing. So yes, it might have been a little wild.
My husband and I have been married for over 5 years now, and I have finally figured out a routine that works for my hair. The goal is for it to look great, while limiting damage and the amount of time spent on my hair on a daily basis. I am a busy mom and don’t have a whole lot of time to dedicate to doing my hair.
So first off, yes I wear hair extensions. I have an amazing hair stylist who does both my color and extensions, and I have been wearing her extensions for years. The extensions actually help make my hair easier to do because the weight of the hair tames the natural curl.
Because my hair is naturally curly and I wear extensions (which are a financial investment), it’s super important that my shampoo and conditioner deliver mega moisture. Being a blogger I am able to try products and share the ones that I like with you. I am so impressed with the amount of moisture that the Aussie Moist Shampoo and Conditioner delivers to my hair. Sometimes I go overboard with the amount of shampoo I use, but I try and limit it to a quarter sized amount and really only focus on my scalp and not the extensions so much. I won’t actually apply the shampoo directly to my ends and extensions. I just let the suds from the top of my head rinse out through the ends.
On the other end of the spectrum, I use a very generous amount of conditioner until my hair is literally slathered. I really like layering the Aussie Moist Conditioner with their cult product- the 3 Minute Miracle Strong Conditioning Treatment. The Aussie 3 Minute Miracle product makes hair 10x stronger against damage vs. non-conditioning shampoo and lengthens the life of your locks by helping reduce damage. Yes, please!
I let the conditioner sit in my hair a good 5-10 minutes, and then I rinse with cool water. My hair feels so silky and smooth afterward. I noticed that when I let my hair air dry after using the Aussie Moist products, it looked better before even applying heat to tame the curl and frizz. A few days after I tried the Aussie Moist Shampoo and Conditioner, I had forgotten I tried them and was wondering why my hair felt so soft and smooth, and then I remembered. Another bonus is that the products leave your hair smelling so fresh and good.
I love that the Aussie products are available via Amazon. It’s such a huge time-saver, and the price is right. How did we get by in the days before Amazon Prime? 🙂
My biggest hair secret is that I wash my hair only twice a week, usually on Monday and Thursday at nighttime. After I put the kids down to bed at 8 p.m., I usually shower right away and wash my hair. I try and air dry my hair as much as possible, which limits the damage and time I have to spend on it. It usually takes 1-2 hours of air drying time (goes by fast while I read or watch my shows!) before I’m ready to use my blow-drier to smooth it out.
I just got a new curling wand that I’m obsessed with, and I will be sharing that part of my hair care routine in another post in the next few weeks so stay tuned!
Thank you so much for reading! The countdown ’til Christmas is on!!!
Thank you Aussie for sponsoring this post! All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Photos by Taylor Cole.