Rainbow Striped Maxi
{photos by Angie Garcia}
dress | bag | heels | earrings
This is a hard post to write. I’m wearing a rainbow maxi dress which let’s be honest is pure happiness right?!! But I am feeling the exact opposite. My family spent the evening in the ER. Long story short Max was complaining about his legs hurting when I picked him up from school. It progressed to the extent that his knees became so swollen and painful he couldn’t even walk. Seeing your kid hurting and vulnerable like that in a scary place like the ER is nothing I have ever experienced before. Even thinking about it now, it makes me sick to my stomach and want to cry.
I have a new appreciation for doctors and nurses and all the people who work in the medical field. Like my husband said… they are the real heroes. I saw babies and kids so very sick, and it was heart breaking. We were lucky to get the diagnosis that we did. We think that Max had a delayed reaction to a prescription medication he took for an ear infection. His symptoms improved with a steroid and Benadryl, and he is tucked into my bed sleeping soundly. Where I am literally counting the minutes until I join him! I can’t wait to hold my baby and thank God that he is okay. I won’t even tell you how many promises I made to God in my head if he would please make Max okay.
After I tucked Max into bed, I fired up my computer to write this blog post and found the nastiest comment I have gotten in the entire time I have been blogging. And that says a lot because I got a REAL nasty one last week. This one hurt because they mentioned Max and my mothering skills, and it couldn’t have been worse timing with Max’s health scare today.
I can’t help thinking this hate mail is coming right after I shared my experience getting a boob job. Opening up about my experience was a scary thing, but the most rewarding thing has been hearing from moms who are emailing me and messaging me on Instagram thanking me for sharing.
Because it has been such an emotional day I am going to cut this short here.
But first a word on this dress. I wore this dress to a rewardStyle conference last week, and it has been so popular on my Instagram I wanted to share it here with you guys. The price point is amazing, and this dress just screams spring + summer wedding guest. If rainbow stripes aren’t your thing it comes in a ton of different colors. You should definitely check it out!
Thank you all for stopping by! And now I’m off to snuggle with my baby…