Instagram Outfit Round-Up
Hi guys! It’s been a busy last week and a half while Max is out of school for summer break. His first day of school is tomorrow… his school is year-round so his schedule is off from literally everyone I know. I am so excited for his first day back- he’s got a new back-to-school outfit, lunchbox (it had to be Hot Wheels), and mama is excited to have some time to work on the blog!
I also have an assistant starting this Monday (eeeee!) which has been a long time coming, and I’m so excited! I am one of those people that likes to do everything myself… I have a really hard time delegating, but my life is getting to the point where it is seriously out of balance, and I can admit it… I need HELP!
My husband’s and my family live out of state so we don’t have a lot of support to pitch in with kids. Or well any support unless we hire someone. Max goes to pre-school for just a few hours in the morning so I am struggling to get in my work-outs, publish blog posts, do all the behind the scenes work (you might be surprised), and keep the house in running order as far as cleaning, stocked with food, and laundry. It’s literally impossible.
And don’t even get me started on my friendships. Friends and family are the most important thing to me, and I haven’t been making that a priority. It’s just ridiculous how that happens. How the most important thing becomes the thing you don’t make time for. Yesterday, I had so much to do and Max kept interrupting me, and it was stressing me out. Then I just looked at him and said- “I’m going to play Hot Wheels with you.” And we played for an hour and totally bonded. I plan on making this a priority every day.
Anyway, I am so excited to add someone to the Sapphire Diaries team, and I am hoping that will allow me to have more time on here blogging. I have some fun projects and ideas (including more home projects) and am really looking forward to sharing them on the blog! And maybe adding in some video tutorials too! But maybe I am getting carried away. baby steps.
I don’t do many Instagram outfit round-up’s on my blog. Are you following me on Instagram? If not, you can do that here! So anyway, lately I have posted some of my day-to-day outfits on Instagram, and I am getting a lot of questions on where to buy. So I thought I would share here too.
Dress | Clutch- Kayu Design sold-out (similar option here) | Heels | Earrings
I wore this out to a magazine party with my husband, and I can’t even tell you how many compliments I got on this dress. It’s my birthday this month, and I might be wearing this same dress again. It’s that good. And I own a lot of white dresses. Unfortunately it sold out in white, but the exact same dress comes in black. It’s just as pretty and as we move into fall more of a season appropriate option. In fact, without even meaning to I am sort of convincing myself to get it in black for my birthday. Oops!
This yellow bikini comes in so many colors. If you prefer a high-waist bottom, this one is so cute and very similar in color. I am still obsessed with yellow like I was in the beginning of the summer. I tend to get over things fast, but my yellow obsession is still holding strong!
Dress (similar option here) | Bag | Sandals | Max’s Tee
My little bug is a HAM. Wherever we go, he is quite the charmer. He is so outgoing and loves people. I am so glad he has these qualities. When I was little, I was so shy, to the extreme, and it was a difficult thing for me to outgrow. Max is the complete opposite! Anyway, I threw on this dress for a family dinner making it a little more casual with these lace-up sandals which are on SALE! This dress completely sold-out, but this one is a similar option with same funky color which I LOVE.
Another day, another white dress. I almost didn’t post this on Instagram because not only is the picture quality fuzzy (even with my iPhone Plus- what’s wrong with us) but my hair looks like shit. And seriously I don’t even cuss normally, but it had to be said. Despite these challenges, this dress was really well received on insta, and you can find it here! P.S. I love how the velvet bag makes this white dress more transitional for fall.
It was actually this photo that I finally told my husband- I think I need to get an iPhone Plus. Being a blogger, photos are everything and I heard the Plus takes the most amazing photos. Love the shape of this dress which can easily transition into fall. Especially if you live in California. 🙂
Bodysuit | Jeans | Jacket | Shoes | Bag | Belt
Wore this for date night last week, and my husband was a HUGE fan. I layered jeans over a bodysuit, and it’s the perfect sexy look for a fun night out with hubby. I am wearing so many of my favorite basics here- these shoes, these jeans, this jacket. These are some of my go-to items right now.
I hope you guys enjoyed this round-up. I can do more of these on the blog if you are interested. Let me know in the comments below. xoxox
Love, Missy