Happy Place
Jacket: Topshop Faux Leather Jacket | Bodysuit: Madewell Stevie Stretch Bodysuit (and here) | Jeans: Current/ Elliot Stiletto Skinny Jeans | Bag: J.Crew Rider Mini Bag (and here) | Sneakers: Vans Hi-Top Sweater | Bandana: Madewell Bandana
Max: Sweater: Tucker + Tate Instarsia Knit Sweater | Jeans: Zara | Sneakers: Chuck Taylor High Top Sneaker | Beanie: Boden Mr. Fox Hat
Okay, so it may be a bit belated but Happy New Year! I can finally say that all the holiday celebrations are done. Every year at Christmastime, my besties and I have a girls brunch where we exchange our Christmas gifts. This year we were all so busy that we didn’t have it until after New Year’s this past Monday. Anyway that was the last Christmas related event on my calendar so Christmas is officially over in my book.
Over brunch we were talking about our New Year’s resolutions. My friend Katie who is a gorgeous mama of three kiddos all under the age of five was laughing that she had way too many resolutions that maybe her resolution should be to stop being so hard on herself. This girl is literally perfect. One of the kindest souls and most patient mothers I know. It got me thinking…. clearly I know she is being WAY too hard on herself.. and maybe I am doing the same.
I love thinking up New Year’s resolutions. Every year I think, this is gonna be the year that I get it together. I am going to eat healthy, exercise regularly, be more present, unplug from my phone more, go to bed earlier and get up early, the list goes on, and on, and on. Basically I am going to be a new me! A happier, and prettier one, who is a better mom.
I really struggle with balance in my life, now that I am a mom. It got even harder when I added blogging into the mix. Blogging isn’t a 9-5 job.., it’s really a lifestyle, and one where you have to be on your phone a lot. I don’t want Max to grow up with me being a distracted mom glued to my phone and not in the moment with him. I am still trying to work out a good balance. He goes to preschool Monday-Friday in the morning so in an ideal world I would get all my blogging done then, and when I pick him up after lunch my focus is 100% on him. So far, that’s not working, ha! I am just not able to get all the things I need to do in the few hours he is at school.
I have come up with a new solution which is… wait for it… waking up early! Yes, mind blowing I know. Basically I am going to try to wake up early at least 3 days a week to get a big chunk of what I need to do before the kiddos get up for school. That way, while Max is in school I can finish other blog obligations, maybe squeeze in a work out, and hit the malls. As silly as it may sound (even to myself), shopping at malls is part of my job.
My life has especially been out of balance these past few months. The holidays were so busy and I literally couldn’t find time to work out. Exercise is something that is really important to me, and I can just tell I am a happier better person when I am exercising regularly. Oh, and I also bought a juicer! I am going to try and limit my wine intake and increase my daily greens. 🙂 Just add that to my never-ending New Year’s resolutions.
In talking about my happy place, I thought it was perfect to share these pics of me + Max taken at the happiest place on earth. We are lucky to live in Orange County and be so close to Disneyland. We spent Max’s 4th birthday at Disneyland, and this was really the first time I felt like he really enjoyed it and has a blast. The past few times we were in Disneyland I took him on the kiddie rides like Pinocchio and Peter Pan that are more mentally scary and scared the bejesus out of him. Lesson learned, those kid rides are not appropriate for kids! ha. We found happiness at Toontown, and if you have little ones I highly suggest starting there.
I truly think 2017 is going to be an incredible year. I am excited to see what it brings both personally and professionally! I hope you will follow along!
Photos by Taylor Cole.