Family Date Night at the Angels Game
My Shirt | Shorts | Sneakers | Bag | Hat **** Lily’s Overalls + Sneakers | Max’s Tee + Sneakers + Hat
Today’s blog post is in partnership with Visit Anaheim. Anaheim being the home of both the Angels baseball team and Disneyland. I will be taking over the @VisitAnaheim Instagram to share our family date night at the Angels game, and you can follow along here!
There are two things you gotta love about Orange County… Disneyland + The Angels. Okay and maybe the year-round perfect weather and the proximity to the ocean. Those are all nice things too. 🙂 I am not originally from Orange County, but I’ve lived here for over ten years now and it’s home.
I grew up in Bakersfield which is about a 2.5 hour drive to Disneyland. I had to double-check that because when I was little the drive from home to Disneyland seemed so long haha. My family is all obsessed with Disneyland like borderline strange. My older brothers still regularly go to Disneyland even though they live pretty far away and don’t have kids! And sometimes they don’t even visit me!
Now that Max is 4 1/2, it’s so fun to immerse him in new experiences. He’s at that “fun” age where he’s young enough that everything is still amazing and new, but old enough that he will listen and follow the rules (ish) so I don’t have to stress as much about him running off.
That’s why I was so excited about this opportunity to take him and the rest of the fam to his very first Angels game. It was also his first baseball game. And what a first it was! Visit Anaheim arranged a behind-the-scenes tour of the Angels stadium for us. Our favorite parts of the tour were standing on the field (hello photo shoot) and seeing the practice batting cages where Mike Trout was warming up for the game. The kids loved the press conference room and thought it so cool especially because the mike was on.
I don’t follow baseball, but I’ve been coming to Angels games ever since I moved to Orange County. I enjoy the entire experience and atmosphere of being at a baseball game. Being outside, having a hotdog (and a glass of wine) and getting out to do something wholesome with the family. I know when the kids are older they will look back at this experience and remember how cool it was. And if they don’t remember I have the photos to prove it. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by the blog today! Make sure to check back tomorrow for a new post!! xo, Missy
In collaboration with Visit Anaheim. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Photos by Vincent Elejorde.