Cozy Weather Staples
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I am a total homebody, and when I am home I like it to feel cozy. For me, a clean house is the starting point for cozy. So first- clean your house. haha! Seriously there isn’t much that makes me happier than a clean house, a beautifully scented candle, and fresh flowers. But before I come across as totally annoying, I promise you that I definitely have messy areas in my house. And I will get to them (someday)!
This round-up of pretty little things may seem random (mulling spices what?), but this is my recipe for cozy weather. These PJ’s are so adorable and festive. I mean can’t you picture wearing them on Christmas morning while unwrapping presents? A really cute idea would be to get them for all the girls in your family for matching PJ’s on Christmas. I have a feeling these will sell out so get them while you can!
I just bought these girly rain boats, and I adore them! Even more than I thought I would. I have always wanted rain boots, but never took the plunge to get them since it doesn’t rain much where I live. I am excited for when it finally rains and I will actually be prepared (and fashionable!).
Tis the season for plaid scarfs, and this one is so cute (and reasonably priced) to buy for yourself or give as a gift. Bloggers love this Anthropologie mug, and I have to admit it’s one of my favorites. I got it last year, and it’s the one I reach for first. Get it while you can since they are for the holiday season only! This blanket is literally the softest blanket in the world. Great for you or a gift!
So the mulling spices… one of my favorite ways to scent the house during the holidays is to seep these mulling spices in this spice ball on my stovetop. I just fill a small pot with water (and if I am feeling ambitious, add orange slices) and simmer on the lowest heat. This jar will last you forever! And you can also use it to make mulled cider or wine.
This candle is hands-down my favorite Christmas scented candle out there. I actually invest in the bigger version which lasts the entire season even with how much I use it. This will be the third year in a row that I have bought the same scent, and I still love it just as much.
Slippers and socks are essential when the weather gets colder, and they can still be cute and flirty. These velvet slippers and leg warmers are both cute and functional.
Thanks for stopping by! It’s so hard to believe that Christmas is already almost here. I feel like I wait for it all year and by the time it finally gets here I feel unprepared and not ready. Does anyone else feel this way? Even in writing this blog post, I am thinking to myself- why haven’t I busted out my mulling spices yet?
Have a great weekend!