Color Crush: Emerald Green
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If you have been following along my blog, you already know about my love for everything burgundy… and yes, that addiction is still going strong! 🙂 If you missed my post rounding up all my favorite burgundy things, you can catch it here. I must say my all-time favorite burgundy purchase is these over the knee boots. I could literally wear them in almost every post, but I hold back. And I just bought this velvet burgundy bag– it’s definitely a statement piece… what do you guys think yay or nay?
While burgundy is my favorite color for this fall season, a new color has caught my eye and is demanding attention. And I can totally see it gaining popularity as October turns to November & December. I have never been a huge fan of green except on St. Patty’s Day, but this emerald, jewel toned hunter green is g o r g e o u s! I am especially loving it on furs, cocktail rings, and silky fabrics with a sheen. It is so stunning and eye-catching. If you don’t believe that this emerald green is the next “it” color, check out the new Balmain x H&M line. There are SO many pieces in this emerald jewel tone, that I could have done my entire collage using only this collection. There are too many pretty things to choose from! Some it is pricey, but there are a lot of goodies for under $100 too. My favorites from the collection are these pants, this cocktail ring, and this bag. And one of them will hopefully be coming home with me. 🙂 The collection will be released online and in select stores on November 5th so mark your calendars!
Besides the Balmain x H&M pieces, at the top of the list is this jumpsuit (that I snagged at the Shopbop Friends & Family sale and plan on wearing for Friendsgiving) and this green fur which is perfect for the holidays- it looks so festive and warm.
I feel sort of gypped on my October this year. I envisioned my house being remodeled and scented pumpkin candles and white pumpkins everywhere, but I haven’t even busted out the Halloween decorations. Our house is in the final stages of being done (I know I keep saying that), and I am thinking I might skip the fall decorations and jump straight to Christmas and celebrate for two months strong. Who is with me?
With that said, I am excited for all the Halloween festivities this weekend. Where we live, there are tons of kids and Halloween is the event of the year (for kids and their parents). And it is so adorable seeing Lily & Max dressed up. Max trick-or-treated for the first time last year, and it was heartbreakingly cute watching him go door to door to collect these candies that he didn’t understand was candy. Now that he knows what candy is, I might be in trouble this year! 🙂
Make sure you stop by the blog in the next few days! I just shot a really fun Halloween themed shoot that I can’t wait to share!