Birthday Wish List

September 21, 2015

Birthday Wish List.001

1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | 9.

I have kept a written wish list for as long as I can remember. Sometimes, it’s almost as much fun to want the items as it is to get them. I took Lily & Max to the mall yesterday, and Max thew his biggest fit yet because I wouldn’t buy him a Mickey Mouse lego set. Of course, I wanted to get it for him because I love seeing his face light up, BUT I was trying to be a good mom and not spoil him. While Max was sobbing (and hitting me), Lily was telling me and Max how sometimes it’s fun to wait and wish for things you really want. How cute is she? And it made me realize that maybe this wish list addiction must be carried over from my childhood days.

My birthday is on Thursday, and actually the only thing I asked my hubby for this year was this rug for our entryway (obsessed!). However, if we weren’t doing the remodel, I am sure I would be emailing my hubby a wish list with these items on it. I started emailing him my wish lists a year or two ago with lots of options so I am still surprised because I don’t know what he picked.

With fall around the corner, I am craving everything cozy- like these adorable fur pom slippers, a cozy throw, candles, and bubble bath. You probably didn’t know this about me, but I have a major obsession with two things- candles and bubble baths. For fall I prefer cozy scents like pumpkin or smoky fireside. I actually researched the best pumpkin scented candle, and apparently this one is it! Because I take so many baths, I am constantly running out of bubble bath, and this kind is my favorite.

Along with the cozy, there is a bit of glam- vintage Chanel earrings, sapphire suede over the knee boots, a glittery phone case, and this gorgeous burgundy Chloe bag. And honey, if you are reading, yes I still only want the rug! 😉 Anyone else out there as wish list obsessed as I am?

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week!

xx Missy

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