8 Books to Read in 2017
You might be surprised to find that my greatest passion isn’t shopping. It’s reading! I am a total book nerd and have been that way since I can remember. When I was a little girl, every weekend my dad and I would drop off my brother Ian for his piano lessons and then hit the bookstore afterward. We would each be in our own section of the store content to look for an hour or so. I used to fantasize about working in a bookstore in exchange for books, and I would even organize the books and fix the ones out of order. I guess my OCD was already kicking in at that point, haha. Anyway he would buy me an arm full of books that I would devour over the next few days. At the time, I was really into The Babysitter’s Club especially the super slam editions… isn’t that what those were called? haha Mary Anne was my favorite for sure.
Nowadays, I can get into almost any genre. I definitely go through phases of what I am into, and sometimes those phases can last years. I have to admit I was really into the Sci-fi vampire genre during the Twilight craze, and I am ashamed to admit that it lasted WAY too long. Please do not judge. I still appreciate a good sci-fi book… it is the best kind of escape.
Right now I am currently into psychological thrillers like Gone Girl or The Girl on the Train. While I enjoyed both books and recommend for an entertaining read, they aren’t my absolute favorites. I am currently reading The Girl Before, and I really like it so far but it’s too early to tell. I haven’t gotten too far into Small Great Things mostly because I have it in hardcover form and I really prefer to read on my kindle so it gets pushed to the back of my “to read” pile.
I do most of my reading on my kindle… I use this one. I don’t think you are supposed to take the cover into the bath because it charges, so I remove the cover every time. The last thing I need is to get electrocuted while reading. It took me a while to convert from books to kindle, but I don’t think I will ever go back. Because I read so much, I was accumulating way too many books which are heavy and hard to store. And also I love being able to read in bed at night without needing an overhead light.
This is my list of 8 books to read in 2017, and while it’s an eclectic mix I loved every single one. Let me know if there are any books I missed that you love in the comments below. Thanks for stopping by!
- The Nightingale– This might be one of the best books I have ever read. It is historical fiction, which is not something I normally would gravitate to… but this book sucked me in! Warning- it will be hard to focus on day-to-day life until you finish this book. I was literally reading it while making dinner, and I have NEVER done that before or since reading this book.
- Big Little Lies– After reading this one, I read almost every book written by the author. And they are all good, but this is my favorite. The first few pages are confusing to get through because there are a lot of characters and you have no idea what’s going on, but stick with it! The best part is a HBO miniseries based on this book comes out on February 19th and has Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon as cast members- no biggie!
- All the Missing Girls– I absolutely loved this book, and I am surprised there aren’t more reviews. I really fell in love with the characters and it is my favorite kind of book- where you don’t really know what happened until the very end. And it is shocking!
- Me Before You– Warning- be prepared for a very long cry if you read this book, but it’s the best kind of cry and you feel so good afterward.
- The Host– I debated on whether to include this book in my list, but I had to. I think I have read this book over again maybe 5 times. It’s sci-fi with a love story and unlike anything I have ever read.
- The Obsession– I learned about this book through another blogger, and I am so glad I did! It has suspense, a love story, with some interior design in the mix. This is a book I would read again.
- Swear on This Life– this book had me so hooked until the very end. I absolutely loved the characters!
- The Fault in Our Stars– this is another tear-jerker. The movie was good, and the book is even better. This is another instance of where I devoured every single book the author wrote after reading this one.
Photos by Taylor Cole.