New Year New Goals
{photos by Vincent Elejorde}
Jacket: Lululemon (similar here) | Leggings: Zella Fine Line High Waist (sooo cute but don’t recommend because zipper falls down… I almost flashed Max’s preschool) | Bag: LV MM Neverfull (got this over the holidays and haven’t committed. Think I was the next size up) | Sneakers: Adidas Ultraboost Running Shoe | Beanie: Faux Fur Double Pom Beanie
I simply adore this time of year. I am all about change, fresh starts, and new beginnings, and there is nothing like a brand new year to tackle just that. Right after Christmas, I got the flu or cold or whatever, and today is the first day I feel like me again.
And just to let you know when I feel like crap, I also eat like crap, and look like crap. ugh. So I am even more amped & excited for some New Year’s resolutions. I haven’t worked out in at least a week, and even just taking down the Christmas ornaments I started working up a sweat so I am terrified to start hitting the gym again.
I’ve been getting a lot of questions on working out and if I am still at Orangetheory on Instagram so thought I’d chat about that before sharing my New Year’s resolutions with you guys. I am definitely still at Orangetheory, and it’s the only exercise I do. I usually go four times a week, and I feel like that’s enough. If there is a week when I can only go 3 times, I try and go 5 the following week. I switched up my schedule a few months ago and feel like my results are even better.
I used to split my workout’s into mornings and evenings. I went while Max was at school in the morning or in the evening when my husband got home from work. Neither were ideal which is why I couldn’t commit. If I worked out while Max was at school, that was all I could accomplish before pick-up. And then my husband leaving work early wasn’t ideal either (well for him).
Because of this, I switched to early mornings so I could be done with my workout before Max wakes up. It’s hard to get up but by the time I have my butt in the car with the seat heater, Howard Stern, and my pre-workout, I am good to go.
Getting up so early every day is so hard, but for some reason the results have been significantly better so it’s worth it. When I work out in the morning, I make smarter food choices throughout the day. I am less likely to eat chips with my sandwich at lunch and “waste” my workout. I think that is a big part of my results and also that I was super stressed leading up to holidays with less time to eat for fun.
Like I said this past week that all went to s**t because I’ve been sick. I’ve had pizza and junk food and been parked on the couch binge watching Riverdale, which I highly recommend if you are a Pretty Little Liars fan. Which leads me to my first resolution…
- Complete The Whole30 challenge. Eek! There is a lot of hype around this, and I haven’t been very motivated to try for myself until now. I know it’s going to be hard, and you have to be super committed and ahead of game with meal prep. It also adds another layer when you have to make different food for the kids (that you likely have mad cravings for). If you guys are interested, I will let you know how it goes along the way and do a post or two on the blog. I purchased The Whole30 + The Whole30 Cookbook which is the first step. Starting on Monday, January 8th. Who’s with me?
- Add video content to my blog. This has been a long time coming. I would like to do a combination of videos that I take myself and also have done professionally. Please comment if you guys have specific content you want me to cover! I recently started my youtube channel, and you can follow it here! Be forewarned that there isn’t much to see there yet. But there will be!
- Generally get my life together, starting with my house. This past week I’ve split my time between Riverdale and house projects. Max has a small room- which was perfect as a nursery and it’s right next to my room. And it’s challenging because he keeps getting these enormous Hot Wheels sets and tracks and there’s just no room for it. I could switch him to where we have the guest room but I have his ceiling wallpapered (see that here) and I like having his room so close to mine. I’ve been going through toys and organizing and donating and plan on going through the whole house. This might take me until 2019. ha
- Be more present. This is my last resolution, but the most important. With blogging, I have an even harder time being present. Because sometimes instead of enjoying a moment while it’s happening, I’m filming or taking photos. Or I am constantly on my phone. I really want to carve out an hour every day where Max and I can sit and work on things one one even if it’s just Play-Doh. I hate that feeling off my mind taking me somewhere else while I’m working on something. Maybe I need yoga or essential oils or something! I used to do a lot of Bikram yoga and felt like it was really good for anxiety and my mind constantly over-thinking. I am not totally into the essential oils thing, but I do own a small diffuser and ordered some new essential oils for it yesterday. I’ve heard some say that it can relax calm and relax the mind. Do you guys buy into that?
What are your New Year’s resolutions? I always have such a hard time narrowing it down.
Happy New Year my loves!